Patent Ready® Study Guide (a free download)
To enrich your learning experience of reading from the Patent Ready® textbook, we are happy to offer you the Patent Ready® Study Guide as a free .pdf download from this webpage.
This Study Guide can be used to plan your own Independent Study course to develop patent skills.
This Study Guide includes materials that refer to your Patent Ready® textbook and supplement it richly, such as:
- curated sample patent documents and other documents (e.g. sample legal terms of an employment agreement for Chapter 4),
- practice exercises for the concepts of the Patent Ready® textbook, along with solutions to these exercises for checking your understanding,
- insights into patent practices of businesses (e.g. sample circumstances where you can detect false patent marking by rivals),
- for those studying engineering: a few practice homework assignments of the type of work you do in industry,
- for after you have done this work, sample phrases that you can add to your resume to indicate your patent skills,
- and more.